TLC Piano Lessons



Teresa Crawford, NCTM, began piano at the age of six and knew at a very early age that she would be a musician. As a teenager, she was very active in the high school marching band, jazz band, symphonic band, theater, and choir. She received her Bachelor of Music at Howard Payne University in Piano Performance and received the following awards; Outstanding Music student for all four years, Young Artist Award for School of Music, Turner Music Award, Schubert Music Award, Music Achievement Award, Senior Honors Piano Recital, and Who’s Who among American Women. She did graduate work in Piano Performance at Baylor University and Stephen F. Austin University where she was recognized as an Outstanding Piano soloist. It was in graduate school that she realized her passion was teaching children and began to redirect her focus to teaching.

Teresa has been a member of Texas Music Teachers Association for over 30 years and is a lifetime Nationally Certified Teacher of Music. She became a member of Nacogdoches Music Teachers in 1989 where she served as chair of many committees.  In 1997 she moved to Allen where she became a member of Plano Music Teachers.  Since becoming a member of Plano MTA, she has served practically every office including president for two years. In 2011 she was voted as Teacher of the Year for Plano MTA.  From 2001-2014, Teresa served as the Plano Ensemble Chair for all seven of Plano MTA’s Ensemble groups. Currently, Teresa oversees the online registration for PMTA’s American Festival.

Teresa has served countless hours with Texas Music Teachers as well. At the 2014 TMTA Convention she received the distinguished Texas Music Teacher of the Year Award. She has served a three year term on the Board of Directors and a three year term as Ensemble Coordinator.  Teresa was the editor for the Texas Music Teacher Magazine and the Student Recognition Coordinator of TMTA for 2012-2014. Teresa is currently the immediate past president of Texas Music Teachers after serving as Vice President for Student Activities, President-Elect, and President for Texas Music Teachers Association.

As a Texas Certified Elementary Music Teacher, Teresa has worked with many local children’s choirs performing a variety of musicals. She has been an accompanist for churches, theater and opera workshops, Instrumental Solo and Ensemble, and ballet. During the past few summers, she has arranged several advanced piano duets that have been performed by the Plano MTA ensemble teams at the TMTA Convention. Teresa's piano trio, “Texas State Fair Day,” was published by Alpha Major and recently placed on the National Federation list. 

Her family is very musical as well. Teresa met her husband, Rodney, at Baylor University and they were married in 1987. Rodney and their two children (Meridith and Daniel) make her very proud. Rodney has a Masters of Music in Choral Conducting and in 2010 Meridith received her Bachelor of Music in clarinet performance at TCU. Teresa had the privilege to accompany Meridith for her Junior and Senior Recitals at TCU. Daniel is a  graduate from University of Texas with a degree in civil engineering, but he is also a very talented percussionist. Both of her children have participated in many TMTA and PMTA activities while growing up.